Posted: Oct 09, 2010 9:47 am
by byofrcs
The uracil is interesting given that "codons of very hydrophobic amino acids, highly represented in integral membrane proteins, are composed of 50% uracils..." (ref: Studying membrane proteins through the eyes of the genetic code revealed a strong uracil bias in their coding mRNAs, (Jaime Priluskya and Eitan Bibi), liquid water may not be essential to form the building blocks but without the presence of water to force polar molecules to orient themselves and thus in the end form membranes - you will not get on the path to the next steps which get us to membranes (and cells).

This is excellent news that it confirms we don't need liquid water or the right surfaces to get the building blocks. We only (probably) need the water and (probably) surfaces to get the next steps towards cells.