Posted: Jun 05, 2011 9:13 pm
by my_wan
Twistor59 pretty much summed it up again in the quote he gave. It also, as he notes, provide a lovely confirmation of the predictions of QM. Something people often miss or confuse is that the interpretations of QM, which these experiments sometimes call into question, is NOT QM. QM works just the same with or without any interpretation whatsoever, and invalidating a given interpretation does not effect the predictions of in the least.

If you want to see some photon behavior that QM cannot predict see:
The shadow of light: further experimental evidences
This is far more straightforward to understand the experimental to, just by comparing the diagram to the raw results block (figure 5 to table 3). Though the details of why it is so out there may take a bit more looking under the hood of QM.

Here is another version without the nice neat results block to compare directly to the diagram.
The shadow of light: evidences of photon behaviour contradicting known electrodynamics

It looks to me like these experiments may actually be measuring the energy associated with the wavefuction itself, which if true would mean that so called interaction free measurements are not interaction free.