Posted: Mar 07, 2011 6:56 am
by Paul Almond
I'm satisfied that the idea being discussed here is viable, that the people declaring it to be impossible are making a mistake, and that these people have almost certainly made a vehicle that does what they say it does. Having considered the situation, and read about the design, it just seems obvious that it does not present any real issues.

EDIT - I was actually going to suggest some analogy like the MK 3 vehicle that you mentioned, spork, to show that it is trivially possible in principle to do something like this.

and that's it for me. I'm withdrawing from this discussion now, so won't be justifying my position here - nothing bad that anyone has done - simply that it will take a long time and will be about a matter that I find rather trivial - and it really is one of cognitive bias that people have: it will be a bit like spending three days discussing something like the Monty Hall problem. I've no intention of getting into further discussions on this - it will just be a huge waste of time.

People insisting that it is impossible are getting caught in cognitive traps and will look silly later, though. My last words are to urge such people to reflect deeply on this matter before it is too late. Remember that you were warned! By one of the finalists in the 2010 Orson awards!