Posted: May 05, 2012 7:42 am
by MrFungus420
AtheismIsIrrational wrote:Also, why are people judging God's morality?

Because God fails to meet the moral standards of mere humans.

So much for god being morally superior and a moral authority.

AtheismIsIrrational wrote:On what objective basis can you judge God? None. Atheism cannot provide an objective reason why the God of the Old Testament is evil.

Christianity cannot provide an objective reason, either. The only thing that you can do is to say that something is moral because God says so. And that leads to the Euthryphro Dilemma.

Is something good because God commands it to be good? In this case, then morality is completely subjective based on what God objective morality.
Or does God command things because they are intrinsically good? In this case, then God is not the arbiter of morality and morals are objectively good for no reason other than they are good. That means that they apply equally to all people and should be discoverable by people with the application of reason and empathy.

God does not supply objective morals. He either dictates whatever he wants (making it subjective) or has no part in the process (making him useless).

And, if you want to try that it is the first one (that God commands what is good) BUT he can only command what is good because it is his nature, then you have to ask where God got his nature. Did God give himself his nature? Then we are back to subjective declaration. Is his nature intrinsic (beyond his control)? Then we are back to God being absent from the determination of morality.