Posted: May 04, 2010 4:47 am
by blasphemer_number1
I help my wife's uncle with computer issues he has. The last time I helped him we got on the topic of what we would like to have done with our remains after we die; when he asked me, I said, "I think I'd like to be cremated" -- thinking of the space requirements and other logistics. He replied, "not for me; that'd be too much like hell." I replied, "but you won't be alive to feel it." ... I forget what else went down, but I know that he married a Southern Baptist and that he believes after the rapture that he's going to get his old body back (and I guess worm holes are better than ashes)... Bah... I'd wonder what madness I had married into; but I live in the bible belt of America... so, it is somewhat inevitable.