Posted: Mar 04, 2010 9:48 am
by Scarlett
dOG wrote:Hay, Paula1, you're preaching to the choir here (to torture a metaphor). I agree entirely that parenthood should be secular. Hell, I'd make it a criminal offense to mention god to a minor, if I were emperor. But my position ignores the fact that a theist would believe it's harmful to their child not to lead them to god. They believe in purgatory and hell, many of them. I mean, really believe.

So, what do you say to them?

I'm not sure there's much point in saying anything to them, the poor kids are goners. If I thought it'd do any good tho I agree with Jef's post above
I would say that, as soon as it can be shown that the actions they take in respect of that belief are objectively reasonable in the interests of the child or of society, then they are free to do what they believe is necessary.

What I think we can do tho is continue to fight against the respect and defference religion receives, we need to make it ok to question these beliefs, and make sure our children are equipped to question them. At least then the theists children may hear more opposition to their parents beliefs and have some hope of making choices for their own

I believe that the main reason religion still has the hold it has on the west at least is due to this unwarranted 'respect' it gets