Posted: Feb 15, 2017 2:18 pm
by Agrippina
I have to talk about this here because I don't want to hurt people I love on Facebook.

Some people know about my water disaster earlier this week, I call it the "swamp". Over the past couple of days I've had all sorts of men come into my home to mostly oversee the work that very competent workmen are doing to clean up the mess.

In the course of the waiting while the work gets done, they look at my bookshelf, either noticing my books, and asking about them, or they see the god collection and we talk about that.

One of them today was asking why I have gods from all different parts of the world. So I explained that the worship of gods is something that interests me, and I handed him my books to look at. He read the blurb at the back, and asked what I meant about "faulty science". Oh dear! I realised I had a "believer" on my hands and had to think very quickly. So I said, "for one thing, let's talk about the flood, how did the penguins from Antarctica and the kangaroos from Australia, get to Israel, so they could board the ark?" His answer: at that time, the continents were all one, and they simply walked across.

I was a little rattled. "Really," I said, "you believe that the continent shift happened less than 5000 years ago?"

He tried to get out of it, with how the earth is only 6000 years old and all the changes in the earth have happened since then.

So I asked him whether he knew that the continents are still moving, and that they split long before the last ice age which was 10,000 years ago so how did he explain that. He changed the subject asked if I believe Jesus was real, then was rattled when I said I didn't think he was entirely a myth. I'm a little on the fence about that. So then he asked if I believed he was "the son of God" to which I replied that did he believe that people who'd never heard of him were sinners and were going to hell. He said he didn't think hell was real. So I said yes, Pope Francis agrees with you, but then what's the point of praying and repenting etc etc if you're going to heaven anyway? He decided he'd better check on his workers, avoided the conversation after that.

Sigh! people are so silly. They find out you're an atheist then get rattled when you don't tell them they're deluded. I also asked him if he realised that he too is an atheist. He didn't understand what I meant, so I said there were over 2000 gods that people believe in, and he believes in only one, so he's an atheist about all the other gods. I don't think anyone's ever used those arguments on him before. Now he has something to talk to his pastor about. Poor old guy!