Posted: Feb 17, 2017 2:33 pm
by Nicko
Agrippina wrote:He tried to get out of it, with how the earth is only 6000 years old and all the changes in the earth have happened since then.

Of all the YEC arguments I have heard, it's the ones in this vein I find cutest of all. Denying the findings of science because they conflict with a literal interpretation of the Bible, then positing a far greater rate of change than any scientific theory proposes to shore up other discrepancies.

If the continents had shifted from the "Gondwanaland" supercontinent to their current configuration in a mere 5000 years, the entire of recorded history would have been the record of one continuous violent earthquake punctuated at frequent intervals by massive volcanic eruptions.

The other main one is attempting to get around the problem of there not being enough space on the ark for all the animals Noah was supposed to stock it with by positing that Noah only had two of every "kind" on the thing (two felines, two canines, two bovines etc.) and then "microevolution" resulted in the speciation we now observe. Failing to notice that this requires that evolution move at a pace far beyond anything proposed by the most optimistic of "Darwinists".

Related, though not quite the same thing, is the attempt to "refute" carbon dating by claiming - absent any evidence of course - that the speed of light has been decreasing since Ado and Evie got evicted from a certain Garden. Ignoring the fact that if the speed of light were so much faster a couple thousand years ago, then every process involving energy would have been many times more energetic. Our fictional forebears would have been incinerated by the heat of their own biological processes long before Evie could have said, "So who the fuck are you?" to a certain talking snake.