Posted: Mar 17, 2017 10:33 am
by Thomas Eshuis
Adco wrote:There appears to be a rise in Nationalism in the West. (no citation available, only personal observations) Look at the recent US elections and what Trump is trying to do with his travel ban. Look at the recent mood in the Nederlands with Wilders and co. and how the Far Right is raising it's ugly head. Look at one of the driving factors for Brexit, "give us our country back". Now I may be confirmation biased but this is what I see from where I reside.

It seems to me that the main cause of this is the Middle East, where predominantly Muslim countries are or were in military conflict. A lot of the conflict is Islam based. ISIS for example. A result has been massive displacements of people and subsequently, refugees. Understandably, the refugees flee to countries where they are more free. I would as well.

Most people involved are merely being human. They either want to live safely in a place where they wont be killed or persecuted (the refugees), or the don't want to give up their freedoms, entitlements, ways of life etc. (the original residents) There is fear coming from both sides and each side want to make sure that they are going to survive. An understandable society action.

I draw a conclusion that as a result of the conflicts that Islams seem to perpetuate, resulting in refugees, certain elements in Western countries have had enough and this directly results in the rise of Nationalism.

To add. I have no issues with Muslims in my country. I exhibit a product at Home Improvement shows and one of them is the EID Shopping Festival where about 30 000 Muslims come shopping for Eid gifts. I have never met more humble, non-assertive and caring people as what I encounter over that 4 day period. Fortunately, the Muslim community in South Africa does not have the same radical outlook as the Middle Eastern Muslims. I may be wrong, but I'm yet to see any signs of it.

Is there a discussion available from this OP?

With regards to the Dutch elections. Wilders chances and surge were greatly exxagerated by the media, mainly foreign but also to some degree, domestic.