Posted: Apr 28, 2018 1:30 pm
by Thomas Eshuis
Arcanyn wrote:
Thomas Eshuis wrote:^^^^^^^^^^^^^

After explaining to them that they made an unsubstantiated positive claim that they need to defend, the theist, again, replies with this:
Does your mother have surviving children? I can't disprove something that doesn't exist.

"Actually, no, she doesn't have any surviving children. I died twenty years ago, and my ghost now haunts the internet, and I spend all my time observing what goes on there. By the way, what's with all the tentacle porn?"

New response:
Religion: a belief or practice associated with a non apparent. It is just as religious to believe as not. ...Does your mother have surviving children?

And something which I guess they think passes for explanation:
Thomas Eshuis .... Is your having a mother logical?