Posted: Sep 10, 2018 11:44 am
by Thomas Eshuis
zulumoose wrote:
HRT is a treatment for women with menopausal issues, not a therapy for transitioning.

It may not be the correct term, but isn't the hormone cocktail taken by male to female transgendered people a fairly similar thing, possibly commonly also called HRT by many, whether technically incorrect or not.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also known as menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) or postmenopausal hormone therapy (PHT, PMHT), is a form of hormone therapy which is used to treat symptoms associated with menopause in women.

The 2002 Women's Health Initiative (WHI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found disparate results for all cause mortality with HRT, finding it to be lower when HRT was begun earlier, between age 50 to 59, but higher when begun after age 60. In older patients, there was an increased incidence of breast cancer, heart attacks and stroke, although a reduced incidence of colorectal cancer and bone fracture.[7] Some of the WHI findings were again found in a larger national study done in the United Kingdom, known as the Million Women Study (MWS). As a result of these findings, the number of women taking HRT dropped precipitously.[8] The WHI recommended that women with non-surgical menopause take the lowest feasible dose of HRT for the shortest possible time to minimize associated risks.[7]

No such risks are involved with transgender hormone therapy. As such it's dangerous if not intentionally misleading to conflate the two.