Posted: Mar 20, 2010 10:33 pm
by Nixon
Yes. Wikipedia. Cihuateteo simply means Goddesses (the duplication of te followed by teo signifies the plural). Acolmiztli is better translated as "Lion of the Acolhua" (miztli is 'feline' rather than literally lion (there being no indigenous lions, except I suppose mountain lions) but it's in the chivalric sense) and Nezahualcoyotl* was the most celebrated ruler of the Acolhua people (of Texcoco and Coatlinchan) so that was more in the sense of an honorific title. Naming oneself after a death god was a bit of a no no.

Er... I think I just made a MAJOR derail of my own thread. Probably better lock this, otherwise I'll just bang on about this
shite for days.

*: Famously credited with a number of poems questioning human understanding of the supernatural and whether it was all merely imagination. The Conquistadores of course took this to mean that even then these people suspected the lies of their beliefs and that there was really ONE TRUE GOD etc etc...