Posted: Jan 20, 2016 3:31 pm
by OnNavalTimber
I joined here today. My real name is Mike Sutton. I'm a criminologist (from a law and social sciences background).

I found the site after looking at the arguments against the plausibility of the Many Worlds Theory interpretation of discoveries made in quantum physics.

I've joined the site to discuss what newly discovered dis-confirming evidence means for the current 'majority view' paradigm that both Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace each conceived the idea of macro-evolution by natural selection independently of Patrick Matthew's (1831) prior publication of the first conception of the theory

The 'New Data' in the history of discovery of natural selection that proves - as opposed to the old 'knowledge claim'' of none - that in fact seven naturalists known to Darwin/ Wallace did read (indeed they cited) Matthew's (1831) book 'On Naval Timber and Abroriculture' pre-Darwin's and Wallace's (1858) and and Darwin's (1859) replications of the orignal idea.

Much about the story of Matthew' Darwin and Wallace can be found on .

The discovery and my claims for the significance of the 'new data' can be read in my peer reviewed article: The hi-tech detection of Darwin’s and Wallace’s possible science fraud: Big data criminology re-writes the history of contested discovery

I think Stanley Cohen's (2001) book 'States of Denial' provides some very plausible explanations for why I - and not an 'expert' Darwin Scholar discovered the 'New Data'. I wrote a moderated blog post on that topic here: