Posted: May 02, 2012 2:01 pm
by Skinny Puppy
Mojzu wrote:
mrjonno wrote:DRM doesnt need to be secure its nots to be pleb proof, knocking 1 or 2% of piracy rates is the difference between something making a profit or not

99.999% of the population has no idea how to crack DRM, I certainly don't. But it only takes one person to do it and it becomes utterly useless, not only that but it means legitimate users are punished for buying as DRM schemes can be incredibly annoying (requiring permanent internet connections) and very invasive (Sony's prior attempts at DRM included installing rootkits on peoples computers).

And if knocking down piracy a couple of percentage points would have such a huge impact, why hasn't HADOPI in France caused a wave of legitimate purchases?

Speaking of Sony.
Bought music CDs