Posted: Jul 24, 2016 1:17 pm
by NineBerry
The point about conversion to Christianity is not confirmed. Seems to be another case of our interior minister De Maiziere pulling fact out of thin air during a press conference. Still, "David" is the official name, not "Ali". Guy seems to have been non-religious, but "friends" report that he expressed nationalistic ideas, anti-turkish ideas and anti-semitic ideas.

Those friends (actually just members of an online gaming clan that he had joined) and class mates also report previous threats of committing a shooting.

He had been in a mental hospital for two months in 2015 and since still been under treatment for social phobias and depression.

The attack has been planned for more than one year. He had visited the scenes of the Winnenden school shooting ( some months ago (photos of these settings were found on his digital camera).

Gun and munition were bought via the darknet. 7 of the 9 killed were killed from close proximity and within the first two minutes. Besides the other two killed with the gun were only three other persons wounded by the gun. All the other people wounded were not wounded by the attacker but suffered from the mass panic, some even kilometres away from the settings when there were rumours about a shooting and people paniced. So, the guy was not a very good shot. Only killing from close proximity using surprise factor.