Posted: Oct 03, 2017 2:44 pm
by GrahamH
Thommo wrote:
It's not that simple. There's a reason that opinion polling put support at 45-50% and yet the ballot was 90% in support and that reason is the lack of legitimacy and lack of the ballot being representative.

There could be various reasons for that. One of which could be that the government tried to prevent the poll. That would put off a lot of people that don't have strong opinions. It could encourage many voters to vote on principle against such heavy handed tactics. If it happened here I would be inclined to vote against side that was trying to prevent the vote irrespective of my views on the issue.

Thommo wrote:This was known in advance, with many parties telling their supporters not to lend legitimacy to the poll that was ruled by the supreme court to be unconstitutional.

Maybe they should have been encouraging their people to make their views known through the ballot box rather than trying to sabotage the process and stop it by force.

It seems clear that Madrid will go to extremes, including use of force, to prevent Catalonia seceding, no matter what those people might want.