Posted: Oct 08, 2017 1:44 pm
by Calilasseia
Rachel Bronwyn wrote:His whole schtick is "I can't be a Nazi because I have a Jewish grandparent."

You mean he's a mischlinge? :D

Oh wait, a good number of real Nazis around Hitler were also, shall we say, distanced from the Aryan ideal. See, for example, Alfried Rosenberg. There are some savage insights into this individual in Airey Neave's Nuremberg, such as this on page 103:

Goebbels, the waspish Propaganda Minister, said "Rosenberg almost managed to become a scholar, a journalist, a politician, but only almost."

Also on page 103:

Rosenberg studied me with a pained stare. He seemed set apart from the other defendants and regarded by them as a foreigner. He came from Estonia of a family of so-called German nationals. He was dark and there seemed nothing very German in his appearance. Most Nazis thought he had Jewish blood and that he must be the 'only Aryan Rosenberg in the world'. He certainly had a Jewish mistress.

Continuing from the bottom of Page 103 to page 104, we have this frankly disturbing insight into him:

He was not an attractive sight, nor did he look a perfect example of the racial superiority of the Nordic people, his principal vision for the future. I was startled to hear that he had once been an art master. He appearance was that of an off-duty undertaker in a Boris Karloff horror film for which the yellowish tinge of his complexion was well suited.

Knowing something of his diaries, which were discovered hidden in a castle in Bavaria, I wondered what sort of women had admired him. Only devotees of the pure doctrine could have stomached this funereal pedant. In The Myth of the Twentieth Century he wrote [the following words]:

Emancipation of women from the women's emancipation movement is the first demand of a generation of women who would like to save the Volk and the race, the Eternal-Unconscious, the foundation of all culture, from decline and fall.

... The Woman belongs deeply to the total life of the people. All educational opportunities must remain open to her.

In 1936, when Rosenberg was Editor-in-Chief of the official Nazi Party newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter, he wrote:

It might seem amazing that women and girls should return to the work of spinning wheels and weaving looms. But this is wholly natural. It was something that could have been foreseen. This work must be taken up by the women and girls of the Third Reich.

Would he I wondered have spoken thus in bed with his Jewish mistress? Almost certainly, yes. In his cloudy mind one thing at least was clear: 'Only man must be and remain a judge, a soldier and ruler of the state'. And: 'Soul means race seen from the inside ... Race is the outside of the Soul'.

I suspect this is someone who, were he still alive, you would be only too happy never to meet. :)

Though he did offer one piece of prophesy that was to become true ... After the signing of the Moscow Pact in August 1939, an outraged Rosenberg wrote in his diary, 'The Soviets are said already to have selected a delegation for the Nuremberg Party Rally', followed by 'I have the feeling that this Moscow Pact will at some time or other exact vengeance on National Socialism'.

An indication of how he was viewed by his contemporaries, is succinctly provided by Lord Vantsittart at the British Foreign Office, who dismissed him as 'a ponderous lightweight'.

As for the term mischlinge, that's straight out of the Nuremberg Laws. From page 121 of Nuremberg, covering Wilhelm Frick, we have this:

On November 14th of the same year [1935], Hitler, Frick and Hess co-signed the Nuremberg Laws which declared that anyone who had three Jewish grandparents, or two if he practised the religion, was a Jew. 'Mischlinge' were those with either one or two fully Jewish grandparents. There is some evidence that Frick's ministry operated these rules on occasion in a relatively liberal manner compared to the exrteme racists. As a result a few hundred mischlinge were declared German by special decree of Hitler.

Though I suspect alongside the rest of the pathology of the Third Reich, this did Frick few favours at the Nuremberg Trials. Frick, after all, was responsible for the administration of the infamous Aktion T4 programme of exterminating people with disabilities, and was instrumental in the drafting of legislation aimed at consolidating Nazi power in the early days of Hitler's Chancellorship. He was also an enthusiastic racist, and the Nuremberg Laws were in part his creation. Although in theory he was also the individual in government with primary responsibility for concentration and extermination camps, the Byzantine and rococo nature of the internal organisation of government under Hitler, meant that Frick was largely responsible in name only, as a result of conflict (doubtless engineered by Hitler to keep his subordinates occupied) between Frick and Himmler. From an operational standpoint, the real man in charge in this area was Himmler.

It's faintly hilarious seeing the "alt-right" not only being lyrically devoted to the worst excesses of Nazi politics (whilst keeping lawyers on permanent retainer to fight off the inevitable critique of this), but manifesting the same florid idiosyncrasies with respect to the foibles of individuals within the movement. Though in this case, Milo the attention whore not only brings a possibly Rosenberg style genealogy to the table, but also Goering's fulminatingly febrile brand of transvestism. Makes one wonder what other parallels are waiting to be discovered, though anyone occupying the Kaltenbrunner role within the "alt-right" should be an immediate candidate for law enforcement attention.