Posted: Jun 13, 2010 5:30 am
by andyx1205
Jeffersonian-marxist wrote:
andyx1205 wrote:I haven't shown any empirical evidence? The last time Iran started a war by attacking/invading another country was in the middle of the 1800s. If Iran didn't start a war by attacking/invading another country for 250 years, the chances of it breaking that record are very slim. They're not non-existent, but they're very slim.

The statement "if a country has not invaded another country in a long time, then it is not likely to invade another country in the future" has not been rigorously demonstrated to be true. Indeed, it's only been rigorously assumed to be true.

What I am trying to say is that there is not much evidence to back up the claim that Iran poses a threat to its neighbours. Extraordinary claims, such as that Iran is building a nuclear weapon for the sole intent of wiping Israel off the map/exterminating Jews, require extraordinary evidence.

Extraordinary claims, such as Israel's P.M. Netanyahu's claim that Ahmadinejad is the next Hitler and that Iran is the next Nazi Germany, require extraordinary evidence.

In another words, there does not seem to be any evidence that points towards the claim that Iran is an aggressive State, and therefore it is irrational to assume that Iran will become an aggressive State in the near future, unless there is substantial evidence that points towards this claim.

So far the arguments are mostly based on an "appeal to emotion" which point toward Iran's religious fundamentalism and support of "terrorist activities" and "terrorist groups." These sort of arguments also contain a lot of double standards that unfairly and unjustly single out Iran.