Posted: Jun 09, 2020 6:43 am
by OlivierK
To be honest, I'm surprised where they've put the US Democrats.

Edited to add:
From the looks of the survey, they've asked a bunch of analysts in various countries to rate their parties on various measures - not using any concrete reference points, but merely on a Likert scale such as 0=Liberal to 9-Conservative (or whatever variable they're analysing).

So the US Democrats are probably rated mostly by US analysts who would see them as far more liberal than, say, an Australian analyst would rate them if they ran candidates in Australia. Here, analysts would rightly rate the Australian Labor Party as not nearly as liberal as they could be - pretty close to what passes for centre here. While the Democrats may rate around a 3 from US analysts, as quite left of centre (there), they'd probably rate about a 6.5 in Australia - as a moderate corporatist party a bit right of centre. The idea that they're more liberal than the ALP is just insane.

It's an Overton Window issue that limits the usefulness of the results if it's not corrected for.