Posted: Sep 18, 2021 10:00 am
by Agrippina

I saw a report this morning that it's been found in lions in a zoo, I think, somewhere. This thing should've been controlled and isolated from the get-go but a certain unmentionable person thought being anti-anything-Obama-would-do would make him win the Nobel prize if it turned out to not be as serious as he was warned, and as a result multi hundreds of millions have died. I can't keep track of numbers anymore. The bastard should be charged with genocide. All it needed was for him to spring into action, to asked the UN and the WHO to recommend closing borders, and to get every single pharmaceutical company in the country working on a vaccine, and handing it out to everyone, everywhere with his permission. But no, if that's what a sane person had done, he would do the opposite, like a disobedient child.

I've given up now. I've been vaccinated, as have the adults in my family, and we'll see each other on our computers until it's over, which I doubt it ever will be now it's jumping to animals.