Posted: Nov 03, 2021 2:26 am
by Calilasseia
Meanwhile, it appears that the QAnon wankstains have now gone full Rapture Retard ...

QAnon believers have reportedly gathered in Dallas, Texas in anticipation of a big announcement from John F. Kennedy Jr.—but they may be waiting some time, as Kennedy died in a plane crash 22 years ago. The gathering was spotted by independent journalist Steven Monacelli, the publisher of Protean Magazine and contributor to The Daily Beast. He posted Monday night that a big crowd of “what appears to be QAnon believers” gathered in downtown Dallas ahead of an expected announcement by Kennedy at Dealey Plaza later this week. Monacelli even spotted people wearing campaign t-shirts saying: “Trump/JFK JR 2024.” Some QAnoners believe Kennedy faked his own death and is now Q, the anonymous leader of their conspiracy movement. However, Kennedy died after crashing into the Atlantic Ocean on July 16, 1999.

Apart from the fact that there is no way JFK Jr would have embraced the politics of the wingnut Trumpoids, the little matter of his being, er, dead might have some impact upon the likelihood of this gathering hearing anything from him, unless of course they've all brought Ouija boards with them ... (yes, that was humour in case anyone needs to ask :D )

What you're seeing here, is the outcome of 30 years of lead in petrol.