Posted: Jan 18, 2017 6:58 pm
by Skinny Puppy
surreptitious57 wrote:It is a public place and so filming should be permitted. Ken Ham did invite Bill Nye but that can always be counter productive I actually find him quite pleasant but my problem is not with him but what he is promoting. This bullshit needs to be tackled head on and relentlessly so. Of course you cannot convince everyone but you focus on those you can convince. I actually feel sorry for Ken because right at the very beginning of the video he states that he does not think humans are animals so he is in no position to be educating children at all with that degree of ignorance. Now he can think what ever he wants himself. How ever filling the heads of children with that bullshit is not on. Since they do not know any better. Forty per cent of Americans already think the Earth is no more than ten thousand years old and Ken is doing his best to make sure it is even more. That is not acceptable. So it must be vigorously challenged at every available opportunity. Complacency is simply not an option here

You’re correct of course, but it’s a brutally hard nut to crack. Since I’ve been there, done that, I know of the intense indoctrination that takes place. You live in a bubble (echo chamber) and even stepping outside of it, when going to school, shopping or whatever, they pre-arm you with what to expect. Basically, Satan is just waiting in the wings ready to grab you and take your soul. The only way to avoid it is by carrying your bubble with you and protecting yourself from any and all challenges to your beliefs.

Facts and data fall off of you like water off of a duck’s back. All (most anyway) arguments that you’ll encounter have an answer that is supplied to you in advance so you’re well prepared. Anything that comes at you as a surprise is simply Satan becoming more and more clever.

It took me years to finally break away, yet despite that; I’m at a loss as to what method would be effective.

Generally speaking ‘like-minded associates with like-minded’ and that can undo any positive work that schooling tries to accomplish. When I was a fundie no amount of data, schooling or others’ influence had even an iota of effect on me. I was programmed to know that I, and my fellow Pentecostals, held the truth. Any attempt to discredit that was simply the work of Satan.