Posted: Jun 14, 2019 3:48 pm
by tuco
newolder who like stuff like this:

Pn+1 = Pn + CPn(1-Pn/K)


Recall from the lesson on Mandelbrot Universality, that when you iterate an equation that has a squaring function in it (or even approximates one), in the complex plane, you will find Mandelbrot Sets. Since this equation contains the term Pn2, it should not be surprising that we can easily find Mandelbrot Sets in the fractal below. Zoom into and explore this closely related fractal known as the Lambda fractal.

fails to recognize the difference between modeling tool (equation) and (actual) model. I was patient longer than Lambda fractal at Mandelbrot Set.

Needless to say that modeling tool that allegedly predicts an infinite number of models, is lol tool. I mean, if it can produce any number one desires why bother with modeling at all?