Posted: Oct 10, 2020 12:26 am
by jamest
Evolving wrote:It's james1v, not jamest, but the same best wishes from me too.

Nobody believes I care about her, especially herself. I respect that belief (given my controversial views about everything)(and her negative views about me) and had therefore decided not to participate here, but the implication here seems to be that I, jamest, am oblivious to this thread and don't give two shits. That is simply not true. I'm as upset as anyone here, except of course her 'real' family. I strongly suspect that few (if any) of you here have had as many meaningful discussions with her as I over the years.

I'm sorry, but an interjection to this 'conspiracy' that I do not care what happens to Fallible has at this point now become necessary. Deal with that however you will, but at least this thread now has a record of me actively responding to it with a fuck your arsehole with a frozen badger if you think that I don't care what happens to her.

Two decades ago I upped-sticks and completely changed my life for a lady I met online at another forum (not a dating agency), so please whatever you do NEVER accuse me of not being able to develop emotions for people I haven't met before, especially online.

I might be a cunt in many people's eyes, but in my eyes you all need a spiritual optician. The bottom line is that I want it recorded here that I am emotionally upset by Fallible's plight and fuck you if you don't believe me. I'll try my best not to respond to any shafting, especially by Fallible herself, as I've now cleared my chest.

Whilst I'm here, I would also like to apologise to UncertainSloth, her partner, who no doubt I've aggravated over the years. That is, I would like to apologise for aggravating you, being her loving partner, after having numerous squabbles with your endearing partner. I remember you 'snapping' once (or maybe twice), but it's remarkable to me that you wasn't doing this every week given the volatile history between me and your missus. In my eyes, for whatever that's worth, that makes you yourself a remarkable character. Hats off to you, sincerely.

Fallible, if you're here calling me a twat a decade from now, I will be rejoicing that you still can.