Posted: Dec 17, 2020 2:52 pm
by Thommo
Congratulations to everyone, especially jamest, whose bitcoin investments are doing well!

On the subject of predictions, a quick look seems to indicate the following covers most of what's outstanding:
jamest wrote:A year from now, I predict that the $£ etc. will have a significant fraction of its present value. We'll be in the realms of a 4-figure percentage hike within a year, is my prediction.


Beware, the world is going tits-up. You still have several days/weeks to minimise your suffering. That's my only message.

jamest wrote:I am certain though, that the financial crisis I've been prediciting for over a year now, has started.


This virus is going to destroy the world as we know it. In my opinion, history will view it more significantly than any of the world wars of the previous century. Why? Because of the economic and political consequences. They will combine to kill most of us and will subsequently drastically alter the political status quo.


You have a short time to prepare yourselves. That is all I want to convey.

jamest wrote:So, either the banks are going to crash and/or money is soon going to become worthless. I.e., inflation is going to rocket, either way. My advice is still to withdraw your pensions, if you can; and move the bulk of your funds from your banks.

For the time being, your savings will be safer under your mattress. Only keep the bare minimum in the bank to pay your bills. However, with hyperinflation on the horizon I still advise you to invest in alternative assets such as the precious metals and cryptocurrency, which will rocket during times of hyperinflation.


I also still advise "growing your own" if you can. In the northern hemisphere, March is the perfect time to start doing that. I'm in the process of doing that now: potatoes, tomatoes, etc..

I'm also in the process of seeking to acquire half a dozen hens for the purpose of guaranteeing some protein in our diet via their eggs. Not sure how that's going to pan out yet, but these are the measures I'm preparing to take.


My best guess is that there's only days/weeks left to save yourselves from it, so do what you can.

jamest wrote:If I was in Donald Trump's position now, I'd spare you all the bullshit and tell you the actual truth, which is that the economical crisis resulting from this particular virus will kill more than half of us.

jamest wrote:...we're all here faced with being imprisoned within our homes for the rest of the year.


I've stated my doubts elsewhere, but what I do know is that the global economy has never been under such a threat as this; plus that the demise of the global economy will have FAR MORE detrimental effects upon the population than coved-19.

Here's what I 'predict' will happen over the course of this year+, here and elsewhere:

1) More and more social distancing constraints imposed upon the populace to the point of martial law.
2) More and more realisation that this has all been done for the sake of less than 5% of the people, to the point that if there is no improvement in the living standards of the rest, great social upheavals will begin. Either here or elsewhere.
3) Assuming no vaccine, the epidemic will end naturally before the summer of 2021, similar to the longevity of [say] the Spanish flu.


This is something that will change history/culture, even if a cure is found tomorrow, which unfortunately will not be the case.

My prediction of the global economy being destroyed by this has already been narrated...

The timescales on many of these are expressed qualitatively rather than quantitatively, so readers will have to form their own view in many cases as to the precise implication for accuracy. I've tried to mark in red places where a timescale for this catastrophic sequence of events is vaguely or clearly implied.

Personally, I cannot see how something that might start within the next six years is equivalent to something that requires action in less than a month. Which is not to say that an open and honest revising of opinions is necessarily a problem. This probably does not affect predictions like a monodirectional ramping of covid restrictions and the declaration of martial law.