Posted: May 02, 2012 7:23 pm
by asyncritus
Oldskeptic wrote:Here is a map of the world. It looks like Alaska is far from China Russia, but that is because they are at the edges. Join the edges and you see that the aren't that far apart.

Here is the migration path of the New Zealand bar tailed godwit. notice how it follow island chains to china.


Can't you see a vast journey over only ocean? On the right hand side of your nice map?

There are no non-stop overseas flight. There are shorter flights from one place to another.

You didn't read the article either, did you? Here:

"According to Dr. Clive Minton (Australasian Wader Studies Group) "The distance between these two locations is 9,575 kilometres (5,950 mi), but the actual track flown by the bird was 11,026 kilometres (6,851 mi). This was the longest known non-stop flight of any bird."

Not non-stop, huh?

Async makes this all sound so mysterious, but there is no mystery about it. The birds follow a north-south south-north migratory path following islands from one pole to another caused by seasonal change.

As we now know (see above) this island-hopping idea of yours is nonsense. But this doesn't touch the main point I'm making.

It IS, mysterious OS. They are doing all this instinctively. They don't have a guide. So how did that instinct originate? And how did it enter their genome?

I'm fairly certain that there is some evolved instinct involved

You just had to spoil it with 'evolved' didn't you? That's begging the question, which is : How did the instinct evolve?