Posted: May 07, 2012 12:41 pm
by Spearthrower
You have equally completely failed to account for the way in which ANY instinct AROSE. All this bleating about the earth's magnetic field and shifting continents is more utter failure to account for HOW THE BEHAVIOURAL INSTINCT AROSE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Why should a fish swim 3000 miles only to die? Why didn't it stay right where it was? How did that piece of behaviour originate?

Why should a swallow fly 7,800 miles to arrive on the same date at the same place every year? Isn't a flight like that a perfect recipe for extinction? And what does evolution have to say for the way that behaviour originated?

Shall I tell you? It doesn't. It can't. It has no hope of doing so.

What i love best about this nonsensical handwaving is that Asyncritus would have us believe the a supreme intellect is the source for them!

On the one hand, Async will wax lyrical about the failings, as he sees them, of evolution to account for the absurdities of instinctive behaviour.

And the very next moment, he'll be claiming they're proof of Divine Intent, of the Omniscient kind.

Forget having your cake and eating it.... this method seems to involve engaging in coprophagia too!