Posted: Nov 17, 2014 8:17 am
by Spearthrower
Zadocfish2 wrote:
Theistic evolution, while better from the perspective of not outright ignoring the empirical evidence, runs up against a cliff of logical contentions.

The belief in theistic evolution does actually produce an answer to the Problem of Evil: God's a sadistic fuckbag.

Well, no, not in any way whatsoever. Care to explain?


If you understand how evolution operates, then you appreciate that evolution operates by the death of innumerable organisms. Most animals spend their entire lives under constant threat from starvation and predation; they are diseased, parasitized and if they falter even momentarily, they are culled from the pool. This is how evolution by natural selection operates; how it produces change over time, how species arise, how novel traits are acquired. It is a horrifyingly wasteful and harm-inducing mechanism, giving not one iota of fuck about the experience of an organism, the pain it endures, the hardships and brevity of its existence. Yet you believe it is your God's chosen mechanism for achieving his goal.

I can go on if you like? :)