Posted: Jan 26, 2015 12:40 pm
by Shrunk
hackenslash wrote:Indeed, but I'd also add that even were it the case that arch-fuckwit Behe's original strawman were accurate, namely that these mutations had to arise simultaneously in a single individual, this event still has a non-zero probability, and my former critique applies.

Yes. The lottery ticket fallacy also applies. I don't know if it's possible to get to the number of fallacies his argument is based on, they are so many. Peer review, of course, would have picked those up. But the "peer review" he receives is probably from the likes of Casey Luskin and Stephen Meyer. Like they'll be any help. So he's now getting proper peer review from Ken Miller, PZ Myers, Larry Moran, etc. And he doesn't like it one bit. Much easier to just publish whatever bullshit you want, knowing the rubes will eat it up. The contempt these people have for their audience is almost palpable.