Posted: Feb 13, 2015 3:44 am
by Jayjay4547
hackenslash wrote:
Jayjay4547 wrote:Strong language. Can you support your claim of a “knowingly disingenuous claim” made by ID proponent? Being wrong isn’t the same as being a liar.

You've already been shown the transcript of the fuckwit you cite from the Dover trial. Yes, Behe is a lying cunt. Yes, Behe is a young-Earth cretinist. When he says otherwise, he's lying, just like you.

OK hackenslash, you call me a liar, quote me on something which was a lie. You went a bit beyond even Cali, when you called Michael Behe a cunt. I’ll call you on that as well. Show me where in the transcript of the Dover trial, the judge said that Michael Behe had lied. He did say that several of the defendants had lied under oath- those were the school board members who had so incautiously tried to insist that teachers should say something in favour of Intelligent Design. The judge did cite where Behe had been stymied under cross-examination; that’s not the same as lying.

It’s almost incredible that you claim as a fact that Behe is “a young earth cretinist”, when you are responding to a post where I pasted a direct quote in Wikipedia from Behe establishing that he isn’t. If there were some evidence that he actually denies the geological time scale, wouldn’t someone have edited that into the Wiki entry? How do you figure that someone could even manage to lie about that- to claim not to deny something, but to actually deny it?