Posted: Nov 09, 2018 7:15 pm
by Rumraket
zulumoose wrote:
Wortfish wrote:

In the U.S army, there are chaplains who administer religious services for those who wish it. There should also be chaplains at public schools and prayer rooms for those wishing to practise their religion. Anything else is just secular authoritarianism.

The military regularly requires people to leave their lives behind and become immersed in their world 24/7 for months at a time, they have to make reasonable accomodations for some things that are part of everyday life for believers or lose support. By the same token some facilities should be available at institutions like boarding schools, where outside life is put on hold. Shoehorning it into public day schools is something else, home life is available for such practices, as are breaks and lunches for voluntary practices, but never should someone who does not want such things have it forced on them.


There's a significant difference between requiring people to leave their everyday lives and basically be "at work" all of their time when they serve in the military, and spending a few hours every day at school and then being free to participate in whatever you wish to do for the rest of the day.