Posted: Jun 18, 2010 1:04 am
pcCoder wrote:If one accepts #2 that a god entity (and not necessarily even a god entity, could just be an advanced alien entity) has created a false appearance, then one can not claim that their god is the one true god as that can be a false appearance. All we have to go by is appearance in some from or another, whether what we can directly observe or what can be detected and measured by various instruments. If appearance has been forged to appear differently than it really is, then even the religious can not claim to know that they belief is correct as anything that they claim supports their belief could be a forged appearance. Therefore when a person says that the universe/earth/etc was just created with an appearance of old age, they pretty much defeat all their arguments on their own.

But... but... what about all the lovely sweet feelings I have in my heart for Jesus?