Posted: Mar 19, 2010 7:47 am
by byofrcs
As we know with computer programming, the ways to code a program expand to meet the budget allocated to the project. In this case the budget is the energy budget for the reactions.

Is there a way of ranking sequences according to the energy needed to create a protein ?.

I've hit the 1 in 10^80 or 1 in 10^100 or some other astronomically improbable series of events. I usually refute that by commenting on the probability of them saying that by describing their origins and multiply it out by numbers starting from the numbers of sperm onwards. Highlight the chance of the biological father not actually being the certificated father then it all goes down-hilll from there.

The creationists problem is that the probability of life of earth is 1 and the they offer just 1 out of many possible creation myths some of which are not unsurprisingly rather incompatible.

The view of science is trending towards one consistent model but creationists only attack theory of evolution rather than other creation myths. The Catholic and Anglican churches gave up attacking Evolution years ago.

Reason is winning, one bunch of nutters at a time.