Posted: Nov 20, 2011 1:13 am
by Darwinsbulldog
In addition to the other observations above, the idea that maths is wrong if it is not real is really idiotic. Of course maths is not real, it is a language for modeling, and models are not real either.
But even if we propose the fatuous idea that models are reality, it does not follow that unreal maths is useless. The Hardy-Weinberg model is total fiction: infinite populations, exact ratios, no genetic drift, no selection. Total bollocks. But useful bollocks, because it is a null hypotheses to which real populations, real allele ratios, real genetic drift and real selection can be compared with.

[Disclaimer: Of course, we are just talking about observational phenomena and there is no need to claim reality, and it is better that we don't because that involves invoking metaphysical [and useless] baggage]. :) The science works as well, or in fact works better, without the metaphysics of claims to reality etc].