Posted: Sep 13, 2012 12:25 pm
by jerome

I'm working today and can't contribute much: I'm also hesitant to do so, because while I'm also a member of the SPR (perhaps we met in Northampton last weekend at the conference Dr Parisetti?) and as many of you know very active in psychical research and indeed quite involved in survival research, my particular area is poltergeist and apparitional cases (which the SPR have just funded me to do a small research project on).

Nonetheless, it would be wonderful if someone could find the link to the old debate on Life After Death were we discussed survival research, and post a link to Campermon and my ongoing debate so all the resources already on the forum and which some of the people here will have read are available. I'm really looking forward to this discussion - my own pro-survival (and theistic beliefs) are I believe well enough known that I think they can pass without comment.

I will happily help however with access to research papers and summaries if needed. Just pm me. Otherwise this is Dr. Parisetti's thread and as we are (as far as I know) not acquainted I'll just butt out now and let him make his case without further rude interruption.

j x