Posted: Jan 14, 2013 1:43 pm
by infiniteentropy
When I was in my late teens I took part in an experiment with a Ouija board with a group of friends. We wanted to see what would happen if a group who didn't really believe in the super natural tried it. We did it on Southampton common next to the graveyard after dark (for best atmosphere as possible). We were shocked it started 'working' almost immediately; we then took turns to step away and see if it continued to work. It worked all the way down to two people, both were swearing they weren't pushing the glass. Finally they asked if it would work with one person, the board replied yes; it didn't. We identified one of us as subconsciously doing most of the work and all the answers were rubbish. It was good fun after a few beers and an interesting experiment, admittedly not very scientific, but the experience help when reading watching various other explanations.