Posted: Sep 23, 2015 1:52 pm
by crank
It's not the subject of Sokal's peace, it's the how it reads. And it's unfair to judge from the abstract, but look at these 2 sentences: "The sites through which the extraterrestrial appears -- spiritualism, so-called "space brother" religions, unidentified flying objects, and alien abduction -- are understood as elements of an ongoing displaced utopian imaginary. This mode of utopian thought is characterized by recourse to figures of radical alterity (spirits of the dead, "ascended masters," and the gray) as agents of radical social change; by its homologies with contemporaneous political currents; and through its invocation of trance states for counsel from the various others imagined as primary agents of change. "

On a cursory read, Sokal came to mind. In particular with "elements of an ongoing displaced utopian imaginary", "characterized by recourse to figures of radical alterity", and "its homologies with contemporaneous political currents". If most of the paper read like that, I'd not make it every far in.