Posted: Sep 23, 2015 7:14 pm
by lpetrich
We don't have a "table" extension here, so it's a bit difficult to lay out contactee vs. abductee features. Here goes:

Experiencers' encounters, travels -- C: voluntary, sometimes very willingly -- A: involuntary
Experiencers' memory of events -- C: good -- A: blacked out
ET Friendliness -- C: very friendly -- A: Coldly indifferent
ET Communicativeness -- C: talkative, sometimes to the point of info-dumps -- A: silent
ET Appearance -- C: usually human, both sexes very good-looking -- A: usually not very good-looking by human standards

I think that UFO-abductee stories have pushed aside UFO-contactee stories in UFOlogy because IMO UFO-contactee ones often seem too good to be true, while UFO-abductee stories don't. That's what Carl Sagan seems to have thought about UFO-contactee stories, though I don't recall him saying much about UFO-abductee stories.

As to the OP's article, here's my score:
  • Spiritualism: ?
  • UFO's in general: Forteanism, conspiracy-mongering
  • UFO contactees: Star-Trek techno-utopianism
  • UFO abductees: human-experimentation dystopianism