Posted: Feb 25, 2019 2:11 pm
by I'm With Stupid
John Oliver's main feature this week.

One thing I was wondering was whether there is anyone who genuinely believes that they're psychic, and I honestly can't find a single example. Obviously people currently making a living as a psychic is going to maintain the pretence that they are being genuine, so they're not reliable. With religious people, I know that they're (generally) not faking it from atheists who used to be religious and admit that they genuinely believe it. But I've never seen or read an interview with a former psychic who says they genuinely believed that they had special powers and now realise they were mistaken, although I have read about former psychics who admit it was all a con. But you'd think that there might be a few who genuinely believe themselves to be psychic. A bit like those martial artists who genuinely think they have special powers and so invite a proper martial artist to fight them and suddenly realise that they don't.