Posted: May 10, 2010 8:44 pm
by aspire1670
PJG wrote:Please could someone who accepts the official claim explain to aspire what nanotechnology is. He won't believe me - and he is clearly somewhat confused!

Galaxian - I am not sure that I entirely agree with your statement - though I appreciate the support. My only criticism is that I might say I "know" that two planes hit the twin towers. However, strictly speaking, I "accept" that two planes hit, or I am "satisfied" that two planes hit. If I was absolutely pushed, I would have to admit that I could be deluded to the point that 9/11 never happened at all - no planes hit and the twin towers are still standing!!

Of course, on a day to day basis, we say we "know" things - what we really mean is that we have sufficient evidence to determine them. Econ and some of the others claim to "know" that a plane hit the Pentagon or that WTC7 came down because of fires. In fact, almost all their "evidence" is basically an argument from incredulity. If you look back, many, many posts are variations on "I don't see where the plane went if it didn't go into the Pentagon therefore it went into the building" or "I don't see how accelerants could have been placed in the buildings, therefore it couldn't have happened" and so on. With the exception of Econ, just about everyone has tried to knock down evidence against their belief rather than put forward evidence supporting their belief... and many of the "methods" have been logical fallacies and ad homs.

I like to think I "know" that two planes went into the twin towers - I like to believe my own eyes and there does seem to be other evidence that this occurred. It is supported by so many things, so many witnesses and other evidence that I might even be pushed to say "I know". My problem - and the reason I stuck my neck out to ask questions about this in the first place is that so many people claim they "know" other aspects - and then use "evidence" that is inconclusive or circumstantial - or an argument from authority. So far as 9/11 is concerned - that means almost all of it. If you remove everything stated as "fact" by the government, how much of what happened on 9/11 do we really "know" and how much evidence do we have for it?

Best wishes
