Posted: Jun 17, 2017 7:39 pm
by psikeyhackr
Thommo wrote:
psikeyhackr wrote:Just providing an impressive number for the amount of Potential Energy does not solve the problem when you really can't even prove the number is correct if you don't know the mass of steel and concrete on every level.

If you don't give a shit about an error of a factor of more than 10, why do you give a shit about a possible error of less than a factor of 3?

If you do not have any data on the amount of energy required to crush the lower 85 stories of the north tower then how can you compute any factor of error? Why don't you do an experiment on a structure that can support its own weight?

Almost SIXTEEN YEARS! Engineering schools should be able to come up with much better experiments, right?

A 3D printer capable of 2 ft by 2 ft objects could make each level 1.5 inches tall. Wouldn't a good model still require accurate mass distribution?
