Posted: Nov 13, 2010 1:15 pm
by BlackBart
uke2se wrote:
Miragememories wrote:
Is the evidence of 19 stooges with box cutters that comic-book compelling for you?

It is for me. The evidence is overwhelming.


No evidence that they were 'stooges' - other than that they were under the impression that they were going to get 72 virgins.

Add to that, that neither Muslim suicide attacks or airline hijackings were unprecedented at the time.

Plenty of evidence that the destruction of world trade centre was an Al Qaeda goal.

Then compare the problems of smuggling a boxcutter blade onto an airliner with the problems of wiring two skyscrapers with demolition technology that can withstand a 400mph airline strike. Without anyone noticing.

Plus no evidence of what controlled demolition would achieve over and above the airline strikes.

It's pretty compelling which one is the comic-book scenario.