Posted: May 02, 2010 2:50 pm
by Moridin
From the link you gave:

1800 1840 1880 1900 1914 1938 1948
Europe (Incl. Russia) 1,500 3,950 6,858 8,900 9,100 9,500 3,700
Asia - 300 370 510 500 1,000 1,300
Africa, Middle East 1,000 198 250 375 400 600 700
North & South America - 50 250 1,200 3,500 5,500 5,800
Australia - 2 10 15 - - -
TOTAL 2,500 4,500 7,738 11,000 13,500 16,600 11,500

Table 1. World Jewish Population (thousands)

Do you notice the fall in world population of Jews between 1938 and 1948? Why do you think that is? If the Holocaust did not occur, where did they all go?