Posted: Oct 18, 2014 1:46 am
by Stein
tolman wrote:

I just don't feel or pretend that experiences I've had are reflective of anything hiding 'out there'.

And of course, you're going after a straw man when you blurt out things like this. NO ONE, least of all Kafei, is making any such blanket claim at all.

You know, I've had very interesting experiences on all sorts of boards when talking about precisely the sorts of psychedelic experiences under review in this thread. No, I haven't experimented with drugs myself for two reasons: A) I enjoy reality too much, and B) I'm a coward. But I have read numerous accounts from all sorts of sources including Oliver Sachs, etc.

And when I discuss these accounts -- and, yes, the theories of modern physicists involving 11 possible dimensions do come up often, so sue me -- I invariably discuss them using exactly the same accounts and the same terms each time, wherever I am. But I always get this response on theist boards --

"Quit trying to reduce our faith in God to some chemical imbalance -- WE KNOW BEST"

and I always get this response on atheist boards --

"Quit bothering us with unverifiable mind trips to a sky daddy -- WE KNOW BEST".

And we wonder why education and scientific research in particular is under such siege right now!

People LOOOOOVE their ignorance, and they're paranoid about anything that might expand the frontiers of human knowledge. They want to cuddle up with their original toddlers' safety blanket that they've had since they were practically in the f#%%#*%#ng womb, and they love to stick with that safety blanket until the very second they finally drop dead from sheer terror of reality.

You know what? PEOPLE REALLY SUCK.
