Posted: Oct 07, 2017 2:49 am
by pelfdaddy
Hi, My name is A.N. Wilson, and I am an author and columnist who has written a number of well-received pieces during my career, including biographies. Not long ago, I left the Christian faith, but then I thought better of it over time, re-converting and causing a bit of a stir in the process.

However, even though I am a recent re-convert to faith, I would never--ever--pander to the religious public, or toss them fresh red meat, by conjuring up complex conspiracy theories about the motives of a scientist who lived long ago, knowing that the vultures of the faith world would greedily wolf down this rotting flesh, regurgitating it for their young.

No sir, not me.

But I am willing to bet that Charles Darwin is the kind of guy that would fuck a person up the ass and not even have the goddam COMMON COURTESY to give him a reach-around.