Posted: Mar 17, 2010 9:22 am
by rainbow
Even so, no one conversant with the literature seriously considers any more that magical forces are required to produce life: just as vitalism was refuted by Wöhler's classic experiment, that gave rise to organic chemistry as an empirical science in the first place, so it is likely to be rendered ever more irrelevant in abiogenesis research, as the steps leading to life's blossoming on our planet are traversed and studied in ever greater detail.

The concluding sentence contains a number of logical fallacies, and has a bit of confusion as to the object and subject. If it is to say that 'magical forces are required to produce life', then that strawman appears to be knocked over, but then is miraculously resurrected by saying it is 'likely to be rendered ever more irrelevant'. This suggests that it has some relevance.
This makes the concluding sentence rather ambiguous.