Posted: Apr 25, 2013 6:19 pm
by Clive Durdle
"For the Johannine proclamation of the Logos, that it "became flesh and dwelt among us": is this describing something that the author is presenting as actually happened?"

As we have several points when Jesus became god - at his birth, at his baptism, always, at his resurrection, at his ascension, could we be looking at several different plots about where and when the sacrifice happened or how the logos became flesh??

The basic plot is Emmanuel - God with us.

OK, how do we achieve this?

Born of a virgin
Made from David
In the heavens continually
wandering around galilee
Logos with us

These variuos stories have been collected together and because of the idea of heresy, attempted to make coherent.

But they are not.

They are all different attempts to bring together god and man. There isn't a common pattern. We have at least a sacrifice in the heavens and at Calvary. Are there more in other non canonical stories?

And there definitely is not a historical core to these various attempts to describe how god becomes man, takes away the sins of the world and creates a new heaven and earth.