Posted: Mar 23, 2015 8:00 am
by Calilasseia
All too often, the anti-LGBT bigots are cut from the same cloth as the assorted life forms in the past, who wore bedsheets with eyeholes, and spent their weekends setting fire to black people. They're effectively redirected slave state racists, who have learned the hard lesson that venting their real hatred for black people makes them as popular as rabies outside their own narrow demographic. Consequently, they shifted to hating the LGBT community, thinking that this was a safe target to dump their hate upon, only to find that, whoops, it isn't any more.

These redirected slave state racists, and individuals of similar ilk elsewhere, quite simply cannot live without having something to hate. Their entire lives are based upon hate, and because of this, they gravitate gleefully toward fire-and-brimstone versions of Christianity that are light on the compassion and forgiveness message of the New Testament, whilst being heavy on Old Testament style smiting and mass slaughter. It's why these lumpens revel in the likes of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, two utterly rancid books that are seething with hatred from cover to cover, because these books provide a veneer of faux legitimacy to the hatreds being harboured, and fuel the Torquemada wannabee fantasies of the various polydactylous inbreeds whose natural ideological homes include racism and quasi-fascist jingiostic nationalism. Just as they lap up nationalist sectarianism as another source of ideological glucose for their hate glands, they marinate themselves in fundamentalist religion to provide the proteins and vitamins, until the malignant growth of those hate glands takes them through their own snit event horizons, and they become suppurating, pustular, black holes of hate.

What makes the malignancy even more pathological, is when the inheritors of hate glands discover one or more horrible truths about themselves, placing them within any of the groupings they've been taught to hate by their peers. Which, of course, they have to hide from said peers, and the only mechanism available to them, is to ratchet up the hate to Spinal Tap 11 levels in as Pharisaically visible a manner as possible. A strategy that comes unstuck whenever irresistible urges result in actions that are diametrically opposed to the hate creed assimilated over the years.

Which leads me to wonder, in turn, not only about latent and heavily suppressed gay tendencies in homophobic bigots, but whether the masturbatorily obsessive level of proselytising by creationists points to an internal crisis lurking within, and a desperate display in order to hide the imminent yet currently secret abandonment of that creed?