Posted: Dec 20, 2016 9:45 am
by RealityRules
duvduv wrote:
Let's give thought to the fact that there is NO EVIDENCE at all that NAZARETH existed in the first or second centuries altogether.

Rene Salm has studied this very carefully. Here is a link that discusses it:

IF Nazareth did not exist, and is not mentioned in Josephus, or any Jewish source, then that is basic proof that the NT stories were not written in the first or second centuries. End of story.

That jesusneverexisted page of Ken Humphrey's (which contains a lot of interesting information) refers to René Salm's 2007/8 book The Myth of Nazareth: The Invented Town of Jesus. Salm received quite a lot of flak over that book (eg. people attacking him without addressing points in the book), so he responded with yet another book addressing some of the points raised -

'NazarethGate: Quack Archeology, Holy Hoaxes, and the Invented Town of Jesus', 2015.

See 1.

and 2. Salm's responses to things Bart Ehrman said in a recent debate he had with Robert M Price:

On his mythicistpapers site, Salm also highlights a video (also available at -

    "This data-rich video presents a concise review of the Nazareth (non-)evidence for a town in the time of “Jesus.” The power-point format with 18 slides (beginning at minute 10) includes the bogus 2009 claim of a “house from the time of Jesus” (even with an astonishing invented wall); the forgery of the Caesarea Inscription mentioning Nazareth (universally considered authentic and often dated to the first century CE); the shockingly early dating of scores of tombs, pottery shards, and oil lamps; water worn (and completely unreadable) coins from Mary’s Well groundlessly attributed to Hellenistic times; and other remarkable material from both my Nazareth volumes. A must see, particularly for those who have not yet read my books. (1 hour)—R.S."