Posted: Jan 20, 2018 4:09 am
by laklak
Thomes argues that people should stop being gay even if they want to, because it’s wrong.

There's that "wrong" word. Sez feckin' 'oo? Why, her, of course. It's not like she's saying "The statement 2+2=5 is wrong", she's saying that being gay is wrong. Now, that's a moral judgment if I've ever seen one. Live in the Babble Belt long enough and you'll soon spot moral judgments before they even crest the rise. Another thing you learn is "moral" is almost always preceded by "good" and followed by "Christian". So now we got good, moral Christians, we got something wrong, put 'em together and what do you get? SIN, that's what.

Now, not being a Christian myself I don't believe in sin. It's bullshit. But she does, she believes the shit out of it. And she don't like it one little bit. It offends her good, moral Christian sensibilities. She figures people who are too weak in Faith to Pray Away The Gay!, and who want to continue their gay, Hellbound ways in violation of God's inerrant word, should just cut it the fuck out. Just fucking STOP IT. Because it offends her, and all those other good, moral Christians out there. You can bet your ass these people think it's harmful, they think it's fucking Biblically harmful. And they'd be more than happy, given half a chance, to shove their doctrinal morality down eveybody else's throats at gunpoint.